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Wednesday 29 September 2010

3-D Max my own structure design

So here are my designs for our building design. using ideas from japanese, modern and spacey/futuristic architecture, as you can see from my intial diagram i have combined the 3 to make some kind of futuristic japanese battle space station. i have labled how i am going to assemble each section in 3-D max, and how i am going to edit/modify it.

so here, within 45 minutes i was to construct my design in 3-D studio max. I really enjoyed doing this however it did take awhile to incoorperate all the tools we had learnt to use in the previous hours, and although there are many thing i didnt manage to achieve (such as the correct shape for the towers, the cylinders going around the station etc) it looks similar to my design and in 45minutes of work i am quite pleased with it. I look forward to being able to do more with the software soon enough; below the image of my work however is a comparision with some "proffesional" 3-D structure model

As you can see the model is simple but well designed, of course it has textures (etc) and it doesnt really resemble mine (you cant find many 3-Dmodels of japanese battle stations...) it is a good example for modeling done very well and simply on 3-D Max. (please note there are many more impressive 3-D models across the web, however this is one of the few i could find actually done and described in 3-D max ^^

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