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Thursday 14 October 2010

My Car Design

***NOTE*** Car is still unfinished, this blog post is just to save the space ^^

Well here is my "car"... well battle tank kinda thingy (inspiration is that it is "mordekaisers" vechile -see link for 3_D models and league of legends earlier in blog- so dark colours and "spiky") i made use of all we have learnt so far in max, basic primitives, editing the meshes, copying objects changing the sizes, and the new things we learnt, more box modeling techniques and adding textures. Enjoy

As entertaining as my vechile is, there are tens of thousands of 3-D cars out there, in games and animations. Below are just a couple of proffesional examples from games like: "Gran Turismo 5" and "Forza Motorsport 3" of course my "car" is alot more fantasy-like, however this is how proffesionals make em, enjoy



As you can see, these are smooth, clean, shiny, realistic/life-like. Great examples of how great vechiles in games can look.

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