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yo i'm Joe, love my games, love my warhammer, my anime, and all the great people in my life - find my stuff here

Monday 26 September 2011

photoshop logo choice

With everyone decided with what logos they were going to take into photoshop - we all set about producing a logo in photoshop. My design is below:

Then the group got together to vote on each others logos to decide whos would be the groups final logo / name (which means it would have to be further developed, edited, worked on etc) In the end the group chose mine (some said it was proffesional, others just liked the name) and so I will start editing it / remaking it to make it more proffesional (i.e. smoothen it up, make the text better etc). Ivo (team captain) said I can work on it (although if i get busy or whatever I can get help from alex or rob for their various skills and styles in photoshop).

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