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Wednesday 24 November 2010

New Feature: weekly/ 2 weekly review

Because of various issues and some problems at home... (damn you £1000 PC for blowing up on me... again.. and again...) i will be using this blog each week or 2 weeks (depending on work load) to update my progress on how: my work is going, how much is still outstanding, how much i need to do within a certain time limit; basically like a diary/plan of sorts.
frist: Chris's Unit 66
To break it down:
 5 slides to start with:
 - CAD
 - Animation
 - Architectural walkthough
 - Games
 - Film
 then breaking those down further on each slide:
- Talk about fundamentals of each
- Give Examples
- Advantages and Disadvantages
Then i have a plan on when to do each slide, Chris mapped it out so i wouldnt have to do much/any at home if i get the work done:

This week: i can get the CAD slide done, 2 hours today and 1 hour tommorow (this timeframe keeps for Chris's lessons).
 1st december: Animation
 8th: Architectural walkthrough
 15th: Games + Film

---Mels Unit 78---
-Mels powerpoint: 8 images or so left: moblie application buttons and some genre related buttons.

Unit 2: games review
magazine: name, issue, date, publisher.
Outline/summarise, review

Up-to-date (i.e. just done the history of animation)

--- Rob ---

So over the next month or so I will use this to keep on top of work.

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