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yo i'm Joe, love my games, love my warhammer, my anime, and all the great people in my life - find my stuff here

Monday 20 December 2010

Christmas Holidays!

Well its been a hell of a starting few months, but now christmas ^^; Now despite presents and festivities there is still work to be done! mainly just tidying up Mels work and Chris Powerpoint; plus getting the plans done for mark and robs; which i should get done over this 1st week before the 25th (i hope :S) if not i have another week or so ^^ Have a merry christmas everyone :D

On a side note: a couple of things have struck me, mainly that i need to get more creative work of my own done, and i would like to point out something for myself and others at college: a website from the head artists at blizzards full of their best work and creativity. a great source for inspiration, and my new blog background as you may have noticed ^^ I will try do more things creatively and try to draw or photoshop at least once a day or a few times a week.

Heres the site for those interested, i would recommend a look around either way:


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