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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Finished Trailer (+evaluation) - Showcase this Thursday

Here is the link to our trailer :) - thankfully we got it finished last week (despite someone deleting all my audio from the trailer, that we fixed just in time...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dx-IICdtkjS8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&feature=youtu.be&v=x-IICdtkjS8&gl=US Whilst I'm not 100% happy with my part (given more time and research I think I could have made a much bigger environment and added more effects too it if nessesary) although I really like my audio - an odd cross between Sean connery and Deckark cain (Diablo series) made for an amusing voice. It is also irratating that after all the meetings and planning - that only 2 of my team really stuck to the concepts and plans for our environments (apocalyitic , stone environments fitting the story) and most us of fog was just seems thrown on for the sake of it "ooo fog, spooky" which was why I didnt use fog - dont get me wrong, some of them pulled it off nicely, others it felt forced on for no purpose. And the Audio backtrack (the dubstep music...) was completely off for the type of game / trailer - although it was surpirisingly errie so still managed to fit in with the trailer, thank god. But I cant put fault on my teammates with so much of my own, I cant say i'm really that happy with my own contribution when so many in the class have made proffesional looking environments (see other trailers aswell). I also think the entire class would hve made work of a better quality given more time and work in 3DS max - being stuck doing powerpoints for around 5-6 months really shot down morale for the group - In my opinion we could have worked on each PP for maybe a week or so in class and then been given it in our own time - since it was all research work for the most part - there was no need to give so much class time too those pieces of work; and maybe thats something our tutors look at for future years. It also didnt help that the sound studio was having technical difficulties for the 1st part of the year, meaning getting to grips with the sound software took more time than anticipated and made it difficult for some students to get much sound work done (luckily I did a fair amount at home to get my narration to my liking) All in all, pleased with the final product, but this is a very small 1st step towards the doors of this industry and the only way to progress - uni or not - will be to fuly dedicate myself too this medium that I love, increase my skills annd give it my all in the future. Next few weeks I will be updating my writen work / PPs to make them as good as I can - except to see finished documents on this blog if i can get them on it ^^

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