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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Planning an environment

My group are working on the area in saltaire - roberts park. It a wide open area, mainly just grass and trees with a few buildings and environmental features. This means, in a fictional sense, we have a lot of room to play with, so using 3-D max can add much more to the environment.
The first image below is the photo of roberts park I based the drawing on:

From that I drew up a very rough sketch, outlining the shapes in the photo and drawing up lines that I could scale the rest of the image from. After a lot of pencil work I moved onto a black fine liner - which I used to add more detail, highlight objects through various methods such as crosshatching. The image below is that drawing:

I then traced this image, and drew lines cutting it into 4 sections. On each of those sections I was to experiment with different colouring techniques (including the fine liner, which is the top left section. The top right section has been done in felt tip, bottom right was pencil crayon and the bottom left was done with pastels. Out of these 4 I really enjoyed using the fine liner, such a simple thing can bring out alot more in an image - the pastels aswell can create a really good effect when rubbed and blended. The image is below:

I can see what i can change for my groups trailer, what buildings or ruins i can add to make it fit the theme, I may even draw up another concept for that in the coming weeks, but form this i can draw up a rough idea of what i can do in 3-D max.

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