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yo i'm Joe, love my games, love my warhammer, my anime, and all the great people in my life - find my stuff here

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Confusion, Clarification and a shed loada worries

Let me start right of the bat by saying this blog hasnt been kept up to a pace of my tutors liking - even though most of my work goes into word documents, they rarely get seen until the end of the course and other marking periods which seem few and far between. Now ive been very ill the past few weeks - only making it in on mondays, and my computer refusing to believe that 3Ds Max isnt working at home, leaving me with very little time to do my work - Now there is a lot I have yet to do that doesnt require 3-D however these are changing and I was emailed by my tutor about the various tasks ive been given to do for my team.

2 of these tasks I had aleady done (Poster - some concept work), 2 more I thought were being done by another member of the team, so forgive me for being a tad confused but I have no clue as what I should be doing other than the 3-D university, the story/soundwork I have been working through (no its not on this blog because I think just throwing ideas up on here is a waste of time when there is no evidence to support my words) I've been told I am now doing the splash screen and another 3-D character model (stone character) when I know that task was given to another team member because I had a long disscussion with that individual to help him realise what he could make in max and what he could create.

My skills in 3-D are far from even being called skills, especially compared with the rest of this class, my skills lie more in organising people, envision ideas and story - but when it comes to getting things on paper or machine - its far from skillful - apart from my words. It is difficult enough trying to make a 3-D university, albeit a very simple one - to then expect me to make a humanoid like character... I will discuss this with my team on monday and see where this misunderstanding has occured - but the senario may well be I have these extra pieces of work on my plate, and I have very little time to do them - especially with all my current aliments.

All said and done, i need to start working alot more and alot harder - i'm letting myself and my team down thats all there is too it

Hopefully there will be plenty more on this blog by next week.

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