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yo i'm Joe, love my games, love my warhammer, my anime, and all the great people in my life - find my stuff here

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

3-D work, Reflection

      What did you do and how did you do it?

    Our goal was too create a 3-D trailer for a video game (not actually create the game itself but make an idea we could draw from to create the trailer itself), we were able to use the 3D studio Max software - which we spent our last year learning the basics of. By modeling basic and advanced primitives, working with the various camera angles, creating and applying textures and lighting effects - as well as creating a camera and animations - all resulted in our final product, it has taken the latter half of our second year to create this project, the following questions will go into more detail on my own thoughts of the project. 

·       Does your final design meet your original intentions?

   In terms of scale, no. I thought I would be able to model something a little grander than my final product, I underestimated how difficult it would be to create the specific object shapes (curved and flowing rather than angular) and overestimated how are simple things like dustbins and lampposts would be to create (realizing only after I had tried various methods, that there were more simply ways of doing things. All that said - in following my original ideas and concepts I think I hit the nail on the head, it looks similar to how I pictured it and the textures and effects, even though there not perfect (lighting is a tad strong and inconsistent, there could have been more effects added given time), are pretty much what I was after. 
·       Self evaluation – how did you manage your time? How could you manage your time more effectively?

·       What did you struggle with?

    To be honest I struggled with most aspects of 3D max. I was really over thinking it all to start with, there were always more simple and quicker ways to do what I was trying to achieve. Adding the camera was easier than anticipated, but that still doesn't mean it didn't take a long time to set up. Getting the lighting how I wanted it, whilst fun, took a long amount of time - as well as experimenting with various other lighting effects, like Omni lights or spotlights. 

·       What did you find easy?
    I would say nothing in Max was easy, but looking at it all, making the smaller, simpler models, (like lampposts) took very little time in comparison to the larger models and were actually quite fun to experiment and play around with. Also once I got a light source actually in my environment playing with how it looked and all of its settings was much simpler than I expected.

·       How does your finished design compare to professional examples?

    Good... if your comparing it to something from 10 -12 years ago; when I look back at much older games (e.g. Vampire: the masquerade - bloodlines), great games in their own way but limited by the technology from their times, with environments and buildings that are as angular and basic to what people in the class are achieving - if not exceeding. My own environment isn't as good I don't think - looking at it out of context of the games setting and potential story. But for the most part, compared to the huge expensive environments of today very few pieces of work compare to those. That said - a few people in the class created a very specific style, which I would think fit in perfectly in certain games. (e.g. two of the class created a cell shaded style that would fit perfectly in a game like "Borderlands").  

·       What do other people think of your finished design?

    From the feedback I've had from friends and family - my design gets a similar view: very red, unique, evil and interesting. Whilst its not the most detailed feedback in the world, it told me a few things that I could improve upon, which I will explain below.

·       What could you improve upon? what would you do differently?

   Given more time on the project, and/or more research from myself into 3D Max to learn the more intermediate skills, would be to simply make more. My environment is actually quite small with very little in it compared to some of my classmates, id want to add a few more buildings, props etc. My lighting - whilst it comes across perfectly and sets the tone for my scene, there was more I could have added (e.g. the lampposts or other sources of light. This also applies to effects, if I had the know-how and the time, I would have tried to add an effect or two (that said, I do feel like a lot of people just threw a fog onto their scenes for the hell of it, and I wanted to avoid doing something purely for the sake of it). Textures were also difficult to work with, even now they are not perfect and I don't have a large variety of textures (although given the context of the story and environment, there doesn't need to necessarily be that variety, but it would have shown more of what I could achieve).  

·       It’s not about the finished product, it’s about the journey. What did you learn?

    Like with my sound work, I learnt just how nitty gritty and time consuming all these small details are to put together, designing a game is a very long process and using 3D max we have been given a peak inside. I learnt a basic set of skills that it is up to me, to take that my spare time to improve upon and learn new things. Seeing what other people could accomplish in the same amount of time I had and created such amazing environments, it just shows where peoples imagination can go and it was wonderful to watch other peoples environments just expand into really great looking work. This product has opened a door and given me a glimpse into this industry and I look forward to learning more in the future. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Sound Work for Project: Reflection Questions

• What did you do and how did you do it?

For our trailer my job was to create a piece of narration to go with the environments above the other sound elements to explain some of the back-story across a minute or so. I planned a couple of different "scripts" from my back-story, to see what would work well before moving onto Cu-base and learning how I could edit sound with all the various MIDI and sound effects. I then used the sound studio to record my voice with various accents. I ran through it a few times with a few different voices. I then edited my narration to get rid of any dialogue I got wrong (or frustrated shouting ^^), cleaned out the vast majority of background noise and unnecessary dialog. I made two versions of my narration, a shorter one and longer one depending on how our trailer would turn out; I was told I could use the longer one, so my final task was to edit it and play with effects to make my voice seem older and in a certain environment (like a church for example).

• Does your final audio product meet your original intentions?

Yes - I followed my planning very closely, once I'd picked my dialog all I had to do was test accents that I could pull of without sounding terrible; the only thing that differed was some of the dialog after I had done - didn't fit with the content being shown on the trailer, so more of my narration was cut, but around a minute or so is still in the final trailer.

• Self evaluation – how did you manage your time? How could you manage your time more effectively?

Using CU-base in the sound room proved difficult to start with, considering the software wasn't operational for the start of the year, getting used to it was impossible, so when we finally got onto the software and had our work planned, there was no time to spare. I think out of all my units and work this was the one I had the best time management, due to the fact we have 1 hour a week in here, I had to really knuckle down to get the narration I wanted; getting my originally planning completed, being the first to use the recording studio, having it edited and done to get feedback and then changing it based on that feedback by editing my voice to better "fit the bill".

• What did you struggle with?

using CU-base was difficult to start with, it took a few weeks to get my head around the software and when actually doing my narration it's really hard to use an accent and stay on the same sound (my final voice sounding like a cross between Deckard Cain and Sean Connery, although considering there two similar voices it was not so bad).

• What did you find easy?

Coming up with the script was easy, all I had to do was draw from my back-story and put it into some kind of context for the narration.

• How does your finished audio compare to professional examples?

It is obviously not as professional, most professional tracks have the narration fit in perfectly, with the necessarily effects to make it stand out and draw in the user - since my voice-over didn't fit perfectly with the other audio or the scenes (we did the best we could... to a degree), but I still think it sounds ok for a first real attempt.

• What do other people think of your finished audio?

A lot of people who heard my audio by itself (classmates, friends and family), thought it was good (some gave me feedback which I used so I could add more effects to my trailer, or take some away).

• What could you improve upon?

I like the final product, but I think hearing it with the trailer the church effect needed to be toned down, and maybe I should have tried a few more recordings to get the voice just right.

• If you were to do it again what would you do differently next time?

The main think would be making sure when the trailer is fully put together that the audio all works well together where ever it is played that some aspects of the audio don't drown each other out - for us, the backtrack was far too loud - anyone who saw our trailer didn't really pick up my narration, as they could not hear it at all - which for me was really disappointing because lots of people wouldn't hear that work from me.

• It’s not about the finished product, it’s about the journey. What did you learn?

I learnt a lot about how sound works in games - in a technical sense - and I can now really appreciate the whole process. I knew a reasonable amount about it beforehand, and I know how important good sound is in games but I had no idea it was so finicky and time consuming and how difficult it is to use the software and to get file types to work with each other (lots of importing and exporting), it was a real eye opener - and although it took some time to get into the software - I really enjoyed it and look forward to learning more about sound in the future.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Finished Trailer (+evaluation) - Showcase this Thursday

Here is the link to our trailer :) - thankfully we got it finished last week (despite someone deleting all my audio from the trailer, that we fixed just in time...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dx-IICdtkjS8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&feature=youtu.be&v=x-IICdtkjS8&gl=US Whilst I'm not 100% happy with my part (given more time and research I think I could have made a much bigger environment and added more effects too it if nessesary) although I really like my audio - an odd cross between Sean connery and Deckark cain (Diablo series) made for an amusing voice. It is also irratating that after all the meetings and planning - that only 2 of my team really stuck to the concepts and plans for our environments (apocalyitic , stone environments fitting the story) and most us of fog was just seems thrown on for the sake of it "ooo fog, spooky" which was why I didnt use fog - dont get me wrong, some of them pulled it off nicely, others it felt forced on for no purpose. And the Audio backtrack (the dubstep music...) was completely off for the type of game / trailer - although it was surpirisingly errie so still managed to fit in with the trailer, thank god. But I cant put fault on my teammates with so much of my own, I cant say i'm really that happy with my own contribution when so many in the class have made proffesional looking environments (see other trailers aswell). I also think the entire class would hve made work of a better quality given more time and work in 3DS max - being stuck doing powerpoints for around 5-6 months really shot down morale for the group - In my opinion we could have worked on each PP for maybe a week or so in class and then been given it in our own time - since it was all research work for the most part - there was no need to give so much class time too those pieces of work; and maybe thats something our tutors look at for future years. It also didnt help that the sound studio was having technical difficulties for the 1st part of the year, meaning getting to grips with the sound software took more time than anticipated and made it difficult for some students to get much sound work done (luckily I did a fair amount at home to get my narration to my liking) All in all, pleased with the final product, but this is a very small 1st step towards the doors of this industry and the only way to progress - uni or not - will be to fuly dedicate myself too this medium that I love, increase my skills annd give it my all in the future. Next few weeks I will be updating my writen work / PPs to make them as good as I can - except to see finished documents on this blog if i can get them on it ^^

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

So today we are combining all of our renders and sound together - whilst we are encountering some problems with files and audio by the end of the day I hope the majority of these problems will be sorted and we will have our trailer ^^

Monday, 23 April 2012

For the trailer I'm tried this morning to get the group on task to plan this trailer properly (final version) most listened and have the majority of the work done. My part in the trailer is around 24 seconds long and I also have the voice over - during the whole thing (potencially) Alex's scene leads into mine (form his memorial to my university) after me is Ivo, (roberts park) the overall length is pushing into 3 minutes so far - more than enough time for the audio we need. Whilst I'm not personally happy with how things have turned out or my own work - we have to work with what we have got now, ill evaluate more in a later post - for now, this needs finishing.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Easter! - site presentation

So ive just about finished my voiceover work; I have a basic camera run through of my 3d scene (will be on the college website) and all my log work (which is on a word document rather than on here until I manage to get the full document on here later on) - Over the easter I need to go back to written work and concept work to make sure all is kept up to date. Time is the biggest constrait of any project, that and how you use it; Im confident I can get all my written work bumped up if I make the effort over easter.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Nearly there

So currently my 3-D environment contains the main buildings, the floor and lots of props - all it needs from the next lesson is lights and possibly a skyline. The only thing i'm really irritated with are the textures, whilst they have to be similar I have managed to set some apart from the rest, but when I add lights it may help the individual objects stand out further.


Well we have been informed (a tad late in my opinion if were meant to have the class finishing concept work months ago) that we have to do a lot more concept work as of this moment "No one is the class will get more than a pass as there is next to no concept work" (quote - and odd considering more than 3 pieces of mine have already been sent to on teacher). So more drawing, but 1st things 1st, need to finish off these models, add some lighting and move onto sorting all these little things.

Monday, 12 March 2012

3-D work and update

The diary of my 3-D work is all being kept in a word document so on here I will post anything finished or non-3-D work that I can get done. I've managed to get an ok looking model for my university - it still needs some finishing touches but its basically there. Chris said that to get more than a pass I will need to create more of an environment. I look around and see the great work my classmates are doing and simply feel as though my word is of a much lower standard when it comes to this 3-D work; and now I have to try and build much more of an environment? well I suppose I can come up with a plane some chairs and tables to it will all be quite simple - and none of the groups work actually looks like it should go together much to my annoyance. They all had the backstory - my texture and the style - yet only one of 2 of my group members have taken up on that - 2 of them copying whats outside - another doing something completely irrelevant etc. But we are being marked on our own work - not the finished trailer - despite the fact is it that trailer we are showing off (the group also made a dubstep beat for the trailer when I was ill... a dubstep beat for a serious horror story game trailer? you know I dont know why i bother). Ive only 2 weeks or so - by the end of this week I will have the main model done and I may have some concepts of the other buildings done.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Confusion, Clarification and a shed loada worries

Let me start right of the bat by saying this blog hasnt been kept up to a pace of my tutors liking - even though most of my work goes into word documents, they rarely get seen until the end of the course and other marking periods which seem few and far between. Now ive been very ill the past few weeks - only making it in on mondays, and my computer refusing to believe that 3Ds Max isnt working at home, leaving me with very little time to do my work - Now there is a lot I have yet to do that doesnt require 3-D however these are changing and I was emailed by my tutor about the various tasks ive been given to do for my team.

2 of these tasks I had aleady done (Poster - some concept work), 2 more I thought were being done by another member of the team, so forgive me for being a tad confused but I have no clue as what I should be doing other than the 3-D university, the story/soundwork I have been working through (no its not on this blog because I think just throwing ideas up on here is a waste of time when there is no evidence to support my words) I've been told I am now doing the splash screen and another 3-D character model (stone character) when I know that task was given to another team member because I had a long disscussion with that individual to help him realise what he could make in max and what he could create.

My skills in 3-D are far from even being called skills, especially compared with the rest of this class, my skills lie more in organising people, envision ideas and story - but when it comes to getting things on paper or machine - its far from skillful - apart from my words. It is difficult enough trying to make a 3-D university, albeit a very simple one - to then expect me to make a humanoid like character... I will discuss this with my team on monday and see where this misunderstanding has occured - but the senario may well be I have these extra pieces of work on my plate, and I have very little time to do them - especially with all my current aliments.

All said and done, i need to start working alot more and alot harder - i'm letting myself and my team down thats all there is too it

Hopefully there will be plenty more on this blog by next week.

Monday, 27 February 2012

To modelling!

well now all the planning is done I have begun to model. Most of my work is in the same word document where I am keep a log of the work and screen-shots of progress (currently contains some initial models and attempts to get the look I am after) - so more finished work will be put on this blog in due course.

Today we also spent the morning looking at finance and discussing various elements. whilst I would have continued to work - it was somewhat informative. We also found out our Tutor isn't here today or Tuesday - so I will simply be carrying on with my work. (more 3-D work or work in Photoshop getting textures and other arty work done).

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Most of today, I have been working on my marketing work - got a planning document, some examples, evidence etc - from there I started to make my advertisment task: a poster. After spending a while examining proffesional examples I knew what I was going to create. So in the afternoon I started: Added a few pictures and did some basic editing - but then for one of the "stone zombies" from my backstory, I didn't knopw exactly how to get this look, so a friend in my group showed me how I could overly a texture, and then copy it to repeat the effect. The finished result is below:

Each of the image were edited around with the smudge and blur. Then to each I addedd various filters (such as cutout). The stone zombie was made using various filters and a rock texture, I then made various adjustments such as: Hue, saturation, brightness - etc.

We also spent the morning working on T-shirt designs and whilst learning to use the website we came up with various ideas and saw clear issues when using the site, such as the need to vector our images.

More work (3-D planning and concept work - another T-shirt design) to be put on the blog later in the week.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The final push

The vast majority of planning work has been completed (the odd document needs updating) as has most of the concept work, so know it will be time to get into the nitty gritty of texture work, 3-D models - as well as any voice work and marketing projects; My team decided I will be working on the University Building, a poster, some textures, sounds and some of my own voice acting - updating the backstory; and then helping out where I can, in the next 8 - 10 weeks. Concept work (etc) will be posted to the blog in the coming weeks depending on workload and when I can finally get 3DS MaX working at home through the schooling system

Monday, 9 January 2012

Welcome back to 3D max! starting with - creating an environment

Today we got back onto 3-D max for the first time in ages - so we started having a recap on some box modelling and making textures (512*512 - 72 on Photoshop) (see one below):

after playing around in Photoshop with various renderings (clouds) and diffuse (among others). We then put this texture onto a 200*200 plane (with 100 faces); put our texture onto it and then we could use that texture to effect the environment - strengthening it brought up the environment and lowering it did the opposite. Creating a really sweet mountain-like scene

As you can see form my image there is lighting and a skydome - I added a camera and skylight to make it more dramatic and to add shadows - there was then 2 ways to "make a sky" use a sphere, cut it in half and flip the polygons over, then add the texture. Or you fake it by making a box around the enviroment and slapping the texture on there. Its good to be back on 3-D max and I look forward to learning more.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Planning an environment

My group are working on the area in saltaire - roberts park. It a wide open area, mainly just grass and trees with a few buildings and environmental features. This means, in a fictional sense, we have a lot of room to play with, so using 3-D max can add much more to the environment.
The first image below is the photo of roberts park I based the drawing on:

From that I drew up a very rough sketch, outlining the shapes in the photo and drawing up lines that I could scale the rest of the image from. After a lot of pencil work I moved onto a black fine liner - which I used to add more detail, highlight objects through various methods such as crosshatching. The image below is that drawing:

I then traced this image, and drew lines cutting it into 4 sections. On each of those sections I was to experiment with different colouring techniques (including the fine liner, which is the top left section. The top right section has been done in felt tip, bottom right was pencil crayon and the bottom left was done with pastels. Out of these 4 I really enjoyed using the fine liner, such a simple thing can bring out alot more in an image - the pastels aswell can create a really good effect when rubbed and blended. The image is below:

I can see what i can change for my groups trailer, what buildings or ruins i can add to make it fit the theme, I may even draw up another concept for that in the coming weeks, but form this i can draw up a rough idea of what i can do in 3-D max.