as the title says this post is relevant to my course.
First of this weekend i am watching Blizzcon (huge 2 day event for all blizzard games: WoW, Starcraft and diablo) and there are alot of panels / QnA about how they make their trailers, models, art, etc; really interesting stuff (will try out the starcraft 2 editor myself at some point). Lots of great stuff coming out here
Second After seeing this video:
(fanart of a League of legends character) done in photoshop in (apparently) 1hour and 20mins! I can see how simply skills have been utilised and are put to absolutly amazing use; i will at some point make a profile on deviant art and try do more work myself, (once i buy photoshop again -_- damn these errors...).
Thats all for now folks, i will be updating over the halfterm with any little tutorials i get, work i have enjoyed looking at and the history of animation work i ahve to put up on here.
This is some talent there, pretty awesome to say the least.