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yo i'm Joe, love my games, love my warhammer, my anime, and all the great people in my life - find my stuff here

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Animation practice, incoming: easter

Yesterday we took another look at animating in 3-D (although at the moment i won't be able to add any pictures due to the PC im working on) adding cameras, animating them, adding lights etc. we also look at making a ball bounce, however this time, we looked at ways of making it more realisic, adding a texture, adding a modifier so it looked like it was squashed as it bounced off the floor. I look forward to learning more about animation but from what i can see its going to be very complex.

Also since today is the last day since easter; most of my recfent work has been handed in with only a few changes needing to being made once they are checked by tutors, leaving me some drawing and concept work to do, and the havard referencing work + report writing, so overall im glad ive managed to get most of my work done before easter

Enjoy it everyone ^^

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

3-D ship final

Here you can see my final product, for my 3-D ship model. its taken alot of work and alot of fiddling around with it, but I have it looking to a decent level. Looking back, choosing a more simple design may have meant that I could more effort into it, more time/polygons, but overall im happy with what I have ended up with and for my 1st model that i've taken so much time on im quiet proud it at least resembles a spaceship. Below are several more images of my model, and a look at it whilst in 3-D max.